Globee® Business Awards

Business Awards | Recognizing Achievements – Inspiring Success

What’s New and Different

For Entrants

Effective immediately, Globee Awards will only accept work/business emails. If you’ve previously used generic domain emails, please inform us which ones should be replaced with your current work/business email. This will ensure your past participation records are retained.

Please be aware that your employer/business name will be publicly published whether in the winner’s lists and/or judge’s profile. Ensure that your participation doesn’t conflict with company policies or interests.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Eligibility Timeframe

  • Eligibility for each of the 2024 Globee Awards spans from January 1, 2022, to the submission date. Nominations should highlight achievements within this specified eligibility period.
  • Nominations that were awarded in the 2023 Globee Awards are eligible for resubmission in the 2024 Globee Awards. If these nominations have been enhanced with new accomplishments, they may be resubmitted in the same award categories where they previously won. However, if they have not been updated, they must be entered into different categories from the ones in which they received awards.

Globee Awards Winners: Exciting Updates for 2024!

We are thrilled to announce significant enhancements to our winners’ rewards program, effective from 2024. As we continue to celebrate excellence and innovation, these updates are designed to provide our winners with even more value and recognition for their outstanding achievements.

1) Complimentary eCertificates and eBadges:
In our commitment to honor and recognize your achievements, all Globee Awards winners will now receive complimentary eCertificates and eBadges after the winners list has been made public. These digital accolades are verifiable, offering a modern way to showcase your success across professional and social networks, at absolutely no cost to you.

2) Customization Option for a Nominal Fee:
For those looking to further personalize their achievement, we are offering the option to purchase verified customized eBadges and eCertificates. This premium option allows you to include custom text, such as your winning category, adding a unique touch to your digital recognition. These personalized items are available at a nominal price, providing an affordable way to enhance your accolade.

3) Exclusive Merchandise for Winners:
Celebrate your victory with our exclusive range of merchandise! Grand, Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners now have the privilege to purchase original and additional plaques, trophies, medallions, and printed certificates from the Globee Awards merchandise store. Available for your current victory or any past achievements, these items are a tangible testament to your success. Please note that all merchandise is sold at its full price, including shipping and handling, ensuring the highest quality and value.

4) Optional Verified Recognition for Unpaid Entries:
For categories with no entry fees or for entrants who have not paid a fee, please note that complimentary verified eBadges and eCertificates are not automatically issued. However, winners in these categories will still be honored by being listed on the official winners’ page, alongside all other esteemed winners, recognizing their exceptional achievements. We understand the significance of digital recognitions in highlighting your accomplishments. Therefore, we offer the option for verified eBadges and eCertificates to be issued upon request for a nominal fee. This policy ensures we can maintain the quality and integrity of our awards while providing all participants the chance to showcase their accomplishments and gain the visibility they deserve.

These updates are part of our ongoing effort to celebrate your success and provide meaningful recognition for your hard work and dedication. The Globee Awards are proud to support and showcase the achievements of innovators and leaders across industries. We look forward to seeing how our winners choose to display their accolades and share their stories of excellence with the world.

For Judges

Changes effective from January 1, 2024

  • Please provide only your work or business email addresses. Personal or non-professional email accounts will not be accepted or approved.
  • Profiles will no longer be published. Instead judges full name will only be published and linked to LinkedIn public profile.
  • Certificates will be issued only after winners have been announced.
  • Reference letters can be issued through digital signatures only.

Important Updates to the Globee Awards Judging Process and Recognition

The Globee Awards is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and transparency in our judging process. We are also continually striving to enhance our recognition and rewards system for both our esteemed judges and award winners. In line with these commitments, we are implementing several key updates, effective immediately:

  1. Updates to Judge Profiles on the Globee Awards Website:
    • Profile Changes: To respect the privacy and preferences of our judges, individual profiles will no longer be published on the Globee Awards website.
    • Listing and LinkedIn Integration: Instead, we will list the full name of each judge on the relevant judges’ page. Accompanying each name will be a link to the judge’s public LinkedIn profile, offering a comprehensive view of their professional credentials and achievements.
    • Monthly Updates: The judges’ page will now be updated at the end of each month, reflecting the judges who have successfully completed their assignments in that month. This change ensures timely and consolidated updates, rather than sporadic changes.
  2. Issuance of eBadges and eCertificates:
    • Consolidated Recognition: To streamline our recognition process, eBadges and eCertificates for our judges will be issued only after all winners of the Globee Awards have been officially announced.
    • Enhanced Value: This approach ensures that the recognition our judges receive is aligned with the conclusion of the awards process, adding to the significance of their contribution.
  3. Digital Signature on Reference Letters:
    • Digital Efficiency: As a step towards digital efficiency and environmental responsibility, all reference letters will now be issued with digital signatures, in accordance with our provided guidelines.
    • Sustainability and Security: This move not only supports our sustainability goals but also enhances the security and authenticity of the documents issued.
  4. Recognition for Judges:
    Judges who complete at least 50 assignments for any awards program will be honored with an eBadge and an eCertificate specific to that program. Those who haven’t completed 50 assignments will receive a special ‘Thank You’ mention on our judges’ page.
  5. Participating Judges Acknowledgment:
    Judges who are unable to complete at least 50 assignments for any awards program will not qualify for an eBadge, an eCertificate specific to that program, or eligibility for a reference letter. However, their contributions are still immensely appreciated, and to honor their participation, they will receive a special mention on our judges’ page. This acknowledgment serves to express our gratitude for their involvement and efforts, even if they did not meet the threshold for receiving the digital recognitions or a reference letter. We deeply value all our judges for their dedication and expertise, which play a crucial role in the success of the awards program.

We believe these changes will streamline our processes and enhance the experience for our judges and participants. Our goal is to maintain the prestige and fairness of the Globee Awards while adapting to the evolving digital landscape and the preferences of our community.

We thank all our judges and participants for their continued support and understanding as we implement these updates.


  • Scoring and Comments: Dedicate time to score each application on a scale of 1-10 and provide a professional comment for every entry.
  • Save and Submit: After finishing an assignment, remember to save and submit it. You can always return to complete any remaining assignments later. However, be aware that incomplete assignments might be reassigned to other judges who are ready to take them on.
  • Reassignment of Assignments: Be advised that assignments can be withdrawn and reassigned to other judges at any time.
  • Eligibility for Recognition: To qualify for a certificate and to have your participation acknowledged on the Globee Awards judges webpages, you must complete at least 50 assignments.
  • Participation: Please note that participation as a judge is entirely voluntary and does not include any monetary compensation.

For All Participants

As we continue to strive for excellence and integrity in the Globee Awards process, we wish to inform you of an important update regarding our communication policies.

Official Email Communication Policy: To ensure the authenticity and professionalism of our interactions, we will only acknowledge and respond to emails sent from official work or business email addresses. This policy helps us in maintaining a high standard of communication and in verifying the identity of our participants.

Why Official Emails?

  • Verification: Work/business email addresses are linked to your professional identity and make it easier for us to confirm your affiliation with the organization or business you represent.
  • Security: This practice enhances the security of our communication, ensuring that information is exchanged in a professional and secure environment.
  • Professionalism: Corresponding through official channels maintains the professional nature of our awards program.

What Does This Mean for You?

  • If you have been using a personal email address (like those ending in,, etc.) for communication with us, we kindly request you to switch to your official work/business email address.
  • Future correspondence from personal or generic email addresses will not be processed. This includes inquiries, submissions, and any other form of communication related to the Globee Awards.

How to Update Your Email Address:

  1. Please provide us with your official work/business email address at your earliest convenience.
  2. Update this information in your profile or send us a confirmation email from your official address.

We understand this change might require a small adjustment, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain the highest standards for the Globee Awards.

Please note that the updates on this page are subject to change, so we encourage you to visit regularly to view the latest information.