Globee® Business Awards

Business Awards | Recognizing Achievements – Inspiring Success

Winners’ Circle | Artificial Intelligence

2025 Globee® Awards for Artificial Intelligence


  • Number of Judges that applied:
  • Number of Nominations received:

Important To-Do-Items for all winners

Congratulations! If your organization won Grand, Gold, Silver, and/or Bronze then the following tips will prove useful for you.

Step 1 | Verify Winner’s Information is Correct

First visit the page with the list of winners and verify that there are no errors.

If you believe that any typo or other errors need to be corrected or updated, then simply complete the form below asap. Please do not send emails with the corrections.

Step 2 | Subscribe to the Globee Awards Weekly Newsletter

The Globee Awards newsletter will keep you posted on your current award submissions and upcoming opportunities.

This newsletter reaches out to professionals all over the world. And by subscribing now you will also be able to submit and read featured success stories that highlight successful companies all over the world.

If you want us to keep others in your organization posted too, then please request them to submit the form below individually. We do not sell, rent, or share your contact details with anyone. The goal of this newsletter is simply to keep you posted on upcoming awards and recognition opportunities.

We’re committed to your privacy. Globee Awards uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content award programs and success stories. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time.

Step 3 | Update Key Contacts

If you want to make any changes to primary contacts, please make them here.

Who is a Primary Contact?
The Primary Contact is one person from your organization or your agency that manages everything from creating an account to submitting all the entry content. This is the person our editors will contact if any more information is required or for any clarifications. This is also the person who will be first communicated about the winners.

Who is a Secondary Contact?
The Secondary Contact is the back up contact to the Primary Contact. In most cases Secondary Contact is contacted only if Primary Contact has not responded.

Who is a Merchandise Contact?
The Primary Contact could be the Merchandise Contact too. The Merchandise Contact has access to ordering complimentary and paid trophies, plaques, medallions, certificates, and all other merchandise items for winners.

Who is an Events Tickets Purchase Contact?
The Primary Contact could be the Events Ticket Contact too. The Events Ticket Contact usually purchases the tickets to attend the Red Carpet Awards Ceremony or the Virtual Awards Ceremony.

Step 4 | Promote your win on Social Media with verified eBadges and eCertificates

Only Primary Contacts (who submitted the original nomination(s) will receive access to verified eBadges and eCertificates. Additional Verified Access can be obtained as per Step 5.

Please note, winners in categories that had no entry fees are not eligible for complimentary eBadges and eCertificates. However, you have the option to order eBadges and eCertificates for a nominal fee, as detailed in Step 5.

Maximize the visibility of your achievement by promoting your win on social media with our official verified eBadges and eCertificates. As a mark of your exceptional accomplishment, all primary contacts will be receiving these digital accolades within the next 48 hours. These verified symbols of excellence are not just a testament to your success but also a powerful tool for enhancing your professional brand and credibility across your networks. Share your triumph with the world and let your community celebrate with you!

Retrieve eBadges and eCertificates associated with your primary email used to submit the entries.

Step 5 | Get Additional Verified Access and Order customized eBadges and eCertificates

Elevate your achievement with our customized verified eBadges and eCertificates, tailored to include more details about your win, perfect for sharing on social media. These personalized digital accolades offer a unique opportunity to showcase the specifics of your success, including the category of your award and the distinguishing factors that set you apart. Designed to capture the essence of your accomplishment, our customized eBadges and eCertificates serve as a visually compelling testament to your excellence, ready to be proudly displayed across your social networks. Enhance your online presence and invite your community to celebrate the nuances of your victory with these detailed, shareable symbols of recognition.

Step 6 | Share the story behind your success

Step into the spotlight and share the story behind your success with our ‘Spotlight on Achievements’ feature. Whether you’re celebrating individual, team, or departmental excellence, or showcasing the collective achievements of your company or organization, we invite you to join the ‘Conversations with Globee Awards Winners.’ This platform offers a unique opportunity to delve into the narratives that led to your win, highlighting the dedication, innovation, and teamwork that propelled you to the top. Hear directly from our winners through compelling quotes that capture the essence of their journey and victory. Share your experience, inspire others, and let us amplify the acclaim of your remarkable achievement on a global stage.

Spotlight on Achievements

Step 7 | Write and Distribute a Press Release

[Your Company Name] Honored with [Award Title] at the 11th Annual 2024 Globee® Awards for Customer Excellence

[Your Company Here] Named Winner at the 4th Annual 2024 Globee® Awards for Disruptors

[City, State, Date] – [Your Company Name] is proud to announce that it has been awarded [Award Title] at the 11th Annual 2024 Globee® Awards for Customer Excellence. This prestigious recognition highlights our unwavering commitment to delivering outstanding customer experiences and excellence across [specific area/category].

Explore the complete list of 2024 winners here:

The Globee® Awards for Customer Excellence celebrate the achievements and innovations of companies and organizations that go above and beyond in providing exceptional customer service. The awards recognize excellence in various categories including Artificial Intelligence, Customer Feedback and Insights, Customer Service and Support, Customer Success, Cybersecurity, Finance and Billing, Human Resources, IT and Infrastructure, Logistics and Supply Chain, Marketing, Operations, Product Development, Public Relations, Quality Assurance, Sales, Social Media and Community Management, Technical Support, and Training and Development.

[Provide a detailed description of your winning person/company/product here]

“We are honored to receive the [Award Title] at this year’s Globee® Awards,” said [Executive Name], [Title] of [Your Company Name]. “This award is a testament to our dedication to customer satisfaction and the relentless efforts of our team to innovate and excel in [specific area/category]. We remain committed to delivering exceptional value and service to our customers.”

About [Your Company Name]: 
[Your Company Name] is a leading provider of [your products/services]. We specialize in [briefly describe your main business focus or mission]. With a commitment to excellence, we strive to exceed customer expectations through innovative solutions and exceptional service.

Over 1,100 judges from around the world, representing a diverse array of industry experts, applied for the judging process. The judges are listed here:

About the Globee Awards 
Globee Awards are conferred in ten programs and competitions: the Globee® Awards for American Business, Globee® Awards for Artificial Intelligence, Globee® Awards for Business, Globee® Awards for Customer Excellence, Globee® Awards for Cybersecurity, Globee® Awards for Disruptors, Golden Bridge Awards®, Globee® Awards for Leadership, Globee® Awards for Technology, and the Globee® Awards for Women In Business. Learn more about the Globee Awards at

Follow us on Twitter: @globeeawards #globeeawards #disruptors

About Your Company
[Company Name] is the leading…

All trademarks belong to their respective owners.


Step 8 | Order Winner’s Trophies, Plaques, Medallions, and Printed Certificates

Celebrate your victory with our exclusive range of merchandise! Grand, Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners now have the privilege to purchase original and additional plaques, trophies, medallions, and printed certificates from the Globee Awards merchandise store. Available for your current victory or any past achievements, these items are a tangible testament to your success. Please note that all merchandise is sold at its full price, including shipping and handling, ensuring the highest quality and value.

Shipping will be calculated at actual and invoiced to you. Please allow 6-8 weeks for the ordered items to be shipped to anywhere in the world.


Step 9 | Now submit your nominations for these awards too

Globee Awards are conferred in ten programs 

Step 10 | Photos you may use to promote your win

Here’s a link to all the photos you may use on your business website, social media, or press releases.

Step 11 | Recommend a New Category

Judge’s Bench and Resources

Step 1 | Verify Judge’s Information is Correct

Step 2 | Submit a Judge’s Quote and/or Expert Insights

Contribute your voice to our esteemed panel by submitting a judge’s quote and/or expert insights. Your unique perspective not only enriches the fabric of our community but also serves as a beacon of wisdom for aspiring winners and fellow judges alike. Whether it’s a reflective quote on the judging experience or insightful commentary on industry trends, your contributions help illuminate the path to excellence. Share your thoughts and expertise, and let us showcase your wisdom across our platforms, offering inspiration and guidance to the Globee Awards participants and the wider professional community.

Expert Insights from Globee Awards Judges